slice of heaven

I may have just turned one, but I've still got a whole lot of growin' to do!

Let's go hit the beach!
There are the occasional times when I want to pull my hair out - usually because Tyler won't sleep (like just now when it took 1.5 hours to get him down). Luckily, those times are rare. I find myself being really aware, I mean REALLY CONSCIOUS, of how incredible this little person is and how priceless this time in my life and the time I get to spend with him is. Today was one of those perfect days that I will hopefully remember in my old age when I am reflecting on the "good old days" from my wheelchair. Luckily, most of our days are perfect, just as they are, even with some crying tossed in, and I wouldn't trade this life for anything in the world. This week we had a lot of fun with a playdate and a birthday celebration for Emil who turned 2 - yay! - at our house (you can see photos of the playdate and the b-day party here). We also got to go to the Pumpkins in the Park festival up the street with a little sea turtle named Matthew (shown here eyeing Tyler's cookie. Tyler shared, of course, and it was the first time Matthew had eaten any sugar - great influence Tyler!).

Are you going to eat all that?
Even though our day was awesome, it didn't exactly start that way. It began at 4:30am, I know, crazy, huh? Well, Tyler normally wakes up at 5 or 5:15 but I am trying to get him to sleep in a little later by getting him up at 4:30, changing his diaper, and then getting him right back to sleep in another sleep cycle that will last maybe until 6 if I'm lucky (which, of course, I'm not). This strategy backfired on me and instead of him snuggling down for another sleep cycle, he would only sleep if I rocked him. So we rocked and he slept in until 6, and I didn't get back to sleep - no fair! I suspect there will be more sleep training in our near future. He must be well rested, though, because he is a happy, funny, flirty little guy. He was belly laughing like crazy today over the word, "bleachy!" and he's pretty amped at how he can now take his socks off by himself. He's learned to turn his crib acquarium on and off, something he seems pretty proud of. And his favorite activity this week has been pulling up on my back and demanding a pony ride (this is cute, although it gets old after the15th time and it definitely sucks at 5:30am!). Here are just a few more photos from our little slice of heaven life.

6am - let's crank up some tunes and get this party started!

A birthday plane from Grandpa!

No more monkeys jumping on the bed!

Okay, unless you look adorable, then you can do whatever you want.

Cuddle time with Daddy and the Seasame Street Gang
Oh, and here's a video of the very popular pony ride!
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