Busy little bee

Hey ladies, what's going on?
Tyler may look like the smooth operator here during story time at Barnes and Noble, but shortly after I took this picture he did a minor face plant off the step and onto the wood floor. Needless to say, he was a little stunned, but crawled away with most of his dignity intact. He was feeling pretty brutish, though, after warding off an overly aggressive toddler for most of the story time (okay, Mom helped a little bit by both strong-arming little Brat, er, I mean Bret, and by quickly whisking Tyler out of the way of his fat toddler fists). I guess Bret felt threatened by Tyler's good looks, charm and abilities to woo the ladies!
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Now that Big T is able to pull himself up on practically anything, our world has changed a little bit. Just before I shot this video, he busied himself by pulling all his laundry out of the basket. He couldn't understand how it just kept refilling for his emptying pleasure. I guess one of these days I'll let him empty it completely so he has the satisfaction of a job well done. Now if I could just get him (and his father) to put the clothes IN the basket, we'd be set!

A rare moment of kind-of undivided attention
Tyler takes a music and signing class once a week. He really likes the big musical instruments like the drum and the guitar. Usually he's right out in the middle of the circle, laughing at who-knows-what and singing at the other kids (even when the music stops). His friend, Sammy, like to grab Tyler's instruments and chew on them when he isn't crawling up on the stage.
Diana has a groupie
I gotta be free! I gotta be free! I'll crawl away before you put clothes on me, because I gotta be free!!
Yes, Tyler is getting quicker and quicker. He's starting to stand on his own for a few seconds and I just know he'll be walking here in the next month or so. Everyone tells me my life will be over then. We'll see, I used to be pretty fast, too! Oh, and T's about to get his first front tooth! We are expecting it any day now. Maybe when Nana and Papa visit tomorrow, we'll have a new tooth for them to admire (along with the rest of the boy).
Beep beep! Hop on in, babe!
Tyler tries to score chicks down on the Strand in his new buggy. It's how we like to end out day - one last trip down to the beach for a sunset swing by the mighty Pacific. Tyler gets a lot of folks checking him out and telling him how cute he is. He even exchanged horn honks with some folks!
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