Forward Ho!!
Tyler has backed himself into his last corner - literally! After months of crawling backwards to get where he wants to go - and putting up with parents who think it's funny to make the "beep, beep, beep!" sound of a truck backing up everytime he moves - he finally decided to do something about it and he kicked it into forward gear! My, how the world has opened up! He's now able to go from one corner of the play room to the other without doing cloverleafs and spinning his way there. Here's a shot of him going after one of his many dancing hamsters (this one plays "Bad Boys" and is dressed like a London Bobby, don't ask me why).
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Of course, along with newly acquired freedom comes a few growing pains. Now he likes to sit by the gate and rattle it, while he whines for someone to come and pick him up.
The food in here stinks! Where are my smokes? I want my one phone call!!!
To ease the lonliness in his "cell," we invited a few friends over for a playdate one afternoon (by the time Mom got the camera out, Tyler was spent and was taking his nap). Here are a bunch of Tyler's friends! Matthew mugs for the camera
Miriam and Matthew playing tackle the drum
Sandy and Sydney demonstrate fall's latest fashion trend, the shape ball as a hat!
Alek and Rachel looking oh-so-Californian! Alek gets the prize for best baby legs - he has about 5 rolls per thigh!
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