My big, fat, fun weekend

Slipper Saturday - clothes are optional on weekends. Yay!
Weekends are the best! Daddy gets to stay home with us all day and we get to do fun things! This past weekend rocked. It started out with pancakes at the Ocean Diner and I got to flirt with all the cute waitresses and stare up at the big ceiling fan (that thing rocks my world). Then I got to go to a ragin' birthday party for my "colleague" Connor, who is in my Mommy and Me class. I got to sit next to this hottie, Emmaline, during lunch and I think she was diggin' me, if I do say so myself.
Party hardy, Marty! Hey, do you want to blow this pop stand and crawl on over to the baby pool with me?
This is Connor and he's now one. One seems soooo much older than 10 months! He can face forward in the car and everything - wow!

Posing with the birthday boy and his dad.
On Sunday we got to go down to the beach and play. Who are all these people at my beach? I usually have it almost all to myself during the week. What's that you're doing? Burying yourself in the sand? That looks like fun! Mommy, let's bury Daddy!

Surf's up, dude.

Swing time! The best way to end a fun day!
After staring at all the strange people in the ocean, we went and played on the swings and I laughed and laughed and laughed. Those swings really get me going. I'll laugh at kids, pigeons, trash, anything at all as long as I'm on the swings. Oh if only they could bottle the swings - Mom would buy a ton of that elixer!
Those are the cutest freakin' slippers I've ever seen. Where did you get them? Of course, it helps that they're on Tyler's adorable chubby feet, but they're still darn cute.
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