Happy Birthday to Me!!!!!!

I'm supposed to LIKE this???
Tyler's birthday was a hoot! We appreciate all the calls, letters, cards and even presents that came from his fan-base from all over the country. This is one little boy whose first birthday was definitely celebrated, commemorated and documented for posterity. So, without further delay, let's document it some more!
His actual birthday was on Friday, Oct. 6th and it startedwith a fun visit to the doctor's office to get poked and proded; this time around, however, he was old enough to eat the cookies they keep out for the kids (which put an end to mom's facade of getting a cup full "for Tyler" and then scarfing them herself in the car). However, doctor's cookies seem to be the only sweets T really likes. When we presented him with his cake, he first took a swat at it like it was going to eat him, then when we put him in his high chair, he just stared at it like it was a dead mouse. So much for the priceless cake-eating photo op!

This cake thing sucks! Get me a beer!
Luckily, the birthday celebration got better after that. We took him to the Manhattan Beach aquarium and out to dinner on Saturday (once again, he refused dessert, this child clearly does not take after me), then we went to the Manhattan Beach Hometown Fair on Saturday. He got to sit in a firetruck, eat chicken off a stick, have his first smoothie, freak out at the pirates, and pet some pretty friendly goats.

I'm ready to roll!

Stinky, stinky, stinky!

Arrrrggggg! Waaaaaaa! I don't think we'll be seeing Tyler walkin' the plank anytime soon.
On Sunday, we had a big party for T in the park with about 20 of his little friends and their parents. He had a big cake (once again, not so hot on the cake) and balloons and balls to kick and chase after and everyone wanted to go for a ride in his little buggy (we drew the line at Schulte, sorry Schulte!). Photos of the party will be coming soon. The next day we left for Colorado for a little visit with all our peeps there. It's been a whirlwind, much like the past year. I can't believe how much has happened in one year - how much he's grown (13 inches & tripled his birth weight), how much we've learned, how much we've experienced and how much my love for him continues to expand and deepen - something I didn't think would be possible considering I thought my heart might pop out of my chest when I first heard him cry a year ago in the delivery room. He has rocked our world and made it a gazillion-million-zillion times more wonderful. Here are a few photos from that first month, and here's to the year ahead!

So sweet, always slept with his hands near his head - still does today!

I could stare at him forever.

He loved that swing! They need to make one to accomodate chunky toddlers!
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