Friday, December 07, 2007

The Turkeys Are Here!

Turkey Day dinner and I'm at the head of the table - woo hoo! Who can I throw food at?

No, we're not referring to Nana and Papa who came to visit when we say "the turkeys are here!" We're referring to the fabulous and fashionable headbands we like to wear during Thanksgiving dinner (and beyond) that make us look so, er, festive! Last year I couldn't bribe Tyler to keep on his headress - this year it was a super special hat that one was privledged to wear, yessirree! We had a very nice Thanksgiving dinner (well lunch) and some of us even ate it in our pajamas (that would be slacker/cook mom, not Tyler). Even though the food was excellent, Tyler was clearly the star of the show. He even belted out a huge and un-coached "gobble gobble" during dinner!

Last year to try this gag, daddy. Next year, I'll be willing AND able to stick my whole face in the pie!

Our visit with Nana and Papa was a lot of fun, filled with walks to the beach, some shopping, lots of cooking and just general chilling. I am astounded daily by how much Tyler's vocabulary is increasing. He elbowed me in the tummy while I was rocking him to sleep and promptly said, "Sorry 'bout that!" He also has this insane memory for all the characters (even the ancilliary ones) of all his shows and books and for things we did six months ago! He is just a riot and I am constantly thinking how ridiculously cute he is, even when he's made a complete mess and is just looking at me saying, "messy, messy!"). That's not to say we haven't seen hints at the terrible twos, they are there for sure. Two weeks ago he decided to give up his naps and would scream in his crib after sleeping for only 40 minutes. He also told Nana to get "out!" of his room when she wanted to come in with me one morning to wish him good morning. His tantrums are still pretty funny, though, since it takes him a good minute to throw himself down on the floor - he looks like an old man going down for a nap, then he just silently taps his fingers on the ground. He's also started to think that a diaper change includes pants off, diaper off, run away and he'll even mimic this with his dolls. We're going to get the Christmas tree this weekend so I'm hopeful that he won't be tearing it down or going for my expensive ornaments. Saying "sorry 'bout' that!" will not cut it after breaking a few $40 ornaments!

Sharin' the love (and the ni-ni with Papa).

Ride 'em cowboy! These boots (Mama's) were made for walkin'!

Old bathtub gets a second life as a boat, but is still best enjoyed when naked.

Nana gets a taste-tester for her peanut-butter cookies.

Ha ha! You don't know that I stuck my leftover pumpkin pie in your suitcases!


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