Dog Days
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This photo was taken on one of the days I let Tyler run around in just a T-shirt. He loves getting in the holes that I dig while I'm trying to build him castles, so we put him in a really BIG hole, and he didn't know what to do with himself. Then we went out to find more sand crabs to put in our bucket as I explained to Tyler that these are not the kind of crabs that we eat. Yucky!
Let's see, what else have we been doing this summer? We went to a birthday party for Emmaline and Ty, two of Tyler's friends since birth. It was chaos, but in a good way.
We are still intensely crazy about our "two choos," and we race them around the track every day with their "guys" and have them take a "sha-show" (shower under the water tank).
We pretend we're cowboys and take off our hat and yell "yeehaw!" We're giving the real cowboys a bad reputation, but so be it.
Finally, I'm trying to make a book for Tyler of all the things he does during the course of a day: eat, play, sleep, read, take a bath, etc. Here's one of the photos from the bath. Every moment with him is a Kodak moment and I wish I could hire a professional photographer to follow us around everywhere we go. I can't believe he's coming up on his 2nd birthday and he's talking and actually thinking things through. We saw a picture of a wheelbarrow in one of our books and he shouted out, "Papa!" because Papa had been giving him wheelbarrow rides in Colorado over two months ago. I'm just floored by how much he learns in a day (I guess he could have been learning more if we hadn't exposed him to the Baby Einstein DVD's, but we're not going to worry about that little report right now). On Thursday we're off to Iowa, so the next post will be all about that trip and will be filled with Uncles, cousins, and of course, Grandma!
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