Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Boxers - check! Shoes - check! I'm ready to head out, let's go!

My oh my, where does the time go? I always read my last post so I know where to start on the next one and I am consistently astonished by how much time has passed since I last wrote. Maybe it's because Tyler is growing like a weed and so much is happening with him developmentally. I think we all need to just slow.....right.......on.......down.

Look ma! No hands!

We got Tyler a training potty because he was enthralled with the one we had in the garage that we were giving away to charity. He loved it so much the first day, we couldn't pull him away from it. Was it because he really wanted to give up diapers? Nah! He thought it was a fun thing to ride, poke his fingers in, lift and close the lid a gazillion times, etc. It's still in the bathroom and he'll high-tail it in there just to play with it, but I thik the novelty is starting to wear off. He thanks me for not posting the naked potty pictures.

It's right there!

And speaking of developing, we mastered the location of our eyes, ears and nose pretty early on, but it took a while to convince him his belly button wasn't on his chest, but rather a little farther south. Hard to be convinced when you can't see it over all that lovely baby bulge! I'm happy to say, we now know the exact location of our belly button!

Brogan, Emmaline and Tyler, our little swimmers!

Tyler and his buddies Brogan and Emmaline have been taking swimming lessons at the Spectrum Club two days a week. Tyler is by far the worst swimmer of the three, since he just likes to hang on tight to me and have me drag him whereever he wants to go around the pool but grunting and pointing. Ask him to kick and he'll do it once. One kick. That should be enough to satisfy all you slavedrivers! See, I can do it, I just don't want or need to. Ha. He is exactly like his father.

Why do you torture me so?

Tyler's eyes are really light, so I'm trying to get him to wear glasses for protection and "look cool." I guess it's hard to look cool when you've got on monkey pants and a shirt that says "Chick Magnet." But, we're trying. We've got a lot of beach days ahead of us this summer, and the fun has already started down there. Here are a few of the things we've been doing lately:

Walkin' the wall. Carrying a frisbee makes it more difficult so I need the assistance of Daddy.
Hangin' at the AVP. We would have all had our photos taken with the Cuervo girls, but they said I was too cute for them to be around (and someone was also too young - no, not you Schulte).
Look! I'm flying and taking my job very seriously! All helicopter pilots use binkies, you know (he LOVED this ride so much I had to pry his little fingers from the steering wheel. We went out and bought more tickets and let him ride again).
Playing in my kitchen with Papa. I make a mean hamburger-donut-onion ring-soup!
Nana teaches me the fine art of sand castle architecture down at the beach. I teach her the fine art of demolition.

You people are all officially updated on my life. Woo hoo! Here's to summer!


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