My Slacker Mom
Okay, so who wants to trade moms? Mine is a friggin' slacker! It's been over a month since she's updated my blog and dang it, I've been busy! She laments with these lame excuses that she's "too tired" or she has to "throw up again," but I can see through her thinly veiled and pathetic excuses. She's just lazy! She says there's a "baby" in her tummy, and it's making her need to lie down and "chill out" more than usual, but puleeze! I don't see any stinking baby in there. That tummy is flatter than before because of all the vomiting she's doing - jeesh! In the meantime, I've been busy, let me tell you. I got a couple more teeth, my vocabulary is increasing exponentially, I can run without tripping over my own two feet (most of the time), and I had a birthday (mom says she'll document that one herself - about time!). So I just wanted to post a few photos for my fans, to let them know I am still alive and doing well, please write and I'll drag mom's weak butt off the couch to read me your letter or email.
My buddy Alek came over to design our birthday invitations. I really got into those body paints!
I got my second "official" haircut - I'm quite the pro at this now.
Mom took me to the aquarium, that whale could fly, amazing!
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