Father's Day at the beach
This weekend was absolutely gorgeous here at the beach. The marine layer burnt off fairly early so we headed down on Saturday for our second beach day in a row (I also took Tyler on Friday with some of the babies/mommies from our class). He had such a great time playing with his toys on the blanket and sticking his feet in the water (which is now up to a balmy 70 degrees). On Friday he played in the sand and got a little too much of it in his mouth and everywhere else for my liking so Saturday we tried to curtail the sand eating by bringing lots of toys and a bigger blanket (funny how that sand finds its way into everything, I even found it in the seat of his high chair this morning). Anyway, Daddy and Uncle Schulte enjoyed soaking up the sun and playing with the little guy on our beautiful summer day. Here are a few more photos of Tyler and his first encounter with the mighty Pacific.

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