Party at Nana's

We've been visting my folks here in Colorado and have been making the rounds to see all of our new baby friends as well. Tyler is such a trooper and is dealing with the chaos like a champ. The neighborhood here in Arvada is very friendly and social and he got his first exposure to everyone the first night after he woke up after only an hour of sleep. Since he was up, the gang all came over to check him out and he was a little freaked out by all these people smiling and laughing at him. Needless to say, he was not his usual jovial self and Mr. Grumpy-pants wanted to go right back to bed. I can't say he was much happier at the Memorial Day bbq down the street, but then again, it was chilly and the gail-force winds kept blowing everything around so maybe he sensed I wasn't too crazy about the idea, either.

Things picked up on Monday, though, with his first trip to the zoo! We met little Katie and her mom, dad and grandma for a quick trip through the masses of strollers (seems everyone else had zoo on the brain) to see the elephants, monkeys, cheetahs, geese and a few others. The highlight of the day? Eating lunch, of course! Tyler has become a champ at eating and he's really starting to eye whatever I put in my mouth (I keep telling him he probably won't like oatmeal cookies, but he doesn't seem to be falling for it). Monday night we had the same gang that scared him the first night over for dinner and he was much, much happier to see them all this time around.
Of all the new friends he's met here in Colorado, the two that make him smile the most are the furiest of all - Scout and Rowdy - my mom's two very friendly (overly friendly, at times) Golden Retrievers. He tries to grab their fur (coming up with handfuls of hair....nice) and they, in turn, stick their cold wet noses in his face and give him a big kiss every so often.
Sounds like a fun trip to Colorado. Is Tyler Platinum on American yet??
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