Sittin' up today. Tomorrow, the Olympics!!!

If being in the movies means I get to hang with hot chicks, I'm all for it!
Tyler's main development lately has been his ability to sit up by himself, which he is proudly displaying here in this photo. I wish I had as good of posture as he does! If he lurches for a t0y, however, he falls over and does a face plant on the carpet. Ah, the forces of gravity surprise us all.

Sittin' up in my kingdom!

Sittin' up from the back. Check out that hair.
Here he is from the back. He's starting to get thicker hair, except there's a bald patch on the very back of his head from where he rubs it off tossing his head back and forth while he's trying to sleep. Sleep is something we are still very much struggling with and something I could write another complete post on. Once he gets over his current cold, we're going to be doing a little "sleep training." In the meantime, he continues to be rocked to sleep and to wake up every2 hours or so, usually just needing us to go in and reinstate the binky. He's up by 6 or 6:30 and ready for his breakfast. On the weekends he gets to eat breakfast out at the Ocean Diner. It's kind of mean to take him to a place that smells of bacon and pancakes and then give him sqush, but oh well!

Open up, T.D.! It's good, really!
The big news in our household right now is that our beloved Clippers have made it to round 2 of the NBA playoffs. People used to joke that once we had a baby, the Clips would then have three fans. Ha! Just get on our bandwagon, now, we say! Go Clippers! You can see Tyler is a really big fan. He especially likes to talk about the Clips their game strategy, the players, who he'd be putting in if he were coach, etc while he's in the tub with his big red cup (excuse the sideways camera action, Dad didn't know it was for the blog!).
I've been a Clippers fan my whole entire life!
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Dude, you got to meet live animals and star in videos with hot chicks? LaLa Land is where it's at! Next time I'm out in Cali you'll have to bring me to all these cool places.
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