A Day In the Life

4am: Hello world! Is it time to wake up? Let’s make some noise and see. Ah ya ya ya ya ya yaaaaaaaa! Oh, look! Here’s Mommy. How’s it going Mommy? Can we play now? That’s it, get me out of this crib. Where’s my fire engine? I want my blocks. Oh, is this a bouncing game? Wait, no, I’m being rocked back to….zzzzzzzzzzzzz.
5am: Hello world! Now it’s time to wake up! Horray! Ah ya ya ya yaaaaaaaa! Time to play! Where’s my Learning Puppy? Hi Mommy! Oh, the bouncing game again. But Mommy, this puts me to…..zzzzzzzzzzzzz.
6:20am: Ah ya ya ya ya ya yaaaaa yaaa! Hello! I am up for good this time! No more falling for that bouncing trick, I’m serious! Here’s Mommy, where are we going? Upstairs? Oh, there’s Daddy. Hi Daddy! He’s ready to play, huh? See how he piles one toy after another on top of me without even opening his eyes? So talented, that Daddy. I’ll let him know I think so by screeching at the top of my lungs. Ahhh laaaa laaaa baaaa!!!
6:40am: Alright, first breakfast. Whoa! Mom, those things are loaded, it’s like drinking from a firehose. Turn down the pressure, I’m gonna drown!
7am: More toys! Oh and hey, cartoons would be better than the news. Someone? Do you hear me? Laaaa laaa baaaa!!!

7:30am: Second breakfast, just like the hobbits! Cereal and green beans, together at last. C’mon, Mom, when do I get pancakes and bacon?!

Brusha brusha brusha. You shouldn't neglect your gums, especially when that's all you have!
8am: Playtime! What will it be, my fishy boat, fire engine, some spoons, perhaps I can shred some tissue paper? Ah, the possibilities.
9am: Time for a naperoo. Mom, you can do that bouncy game now, but don’t even think of putting me down in my crib when I’m out because I’ll just wake up and you’ll have to do it again. And again. And again.
11am: Must have milk NOW!!!
11:30am: Exersaucer time. Getting’ my exercise! One and two and let’s eat the puppet, no the star, no the globe, no, the sun. This is all so exciting, what can I put in my mouth next?
12 noon: Lunch? Boy, do they feed me well around here. It’s like being on a cruise (or so I’m told). Mom says I’m like a goldfish, whatever that means.
12:45pm: Let’s roll! Time to head down to the beach and check out the doggies, kitties, babies, mommies, dolphins, helicopters and whatever else there might be to look at. Once we get down there, Mom likes to put me in the swing. Which, as you’ll see from this little video, I just love! After all that hard work swinging, I’m ready for a nap. Get me in that stroller and start moving! If Mom’s lucky, I’ll be asleep for an hour and a half; if not, I’ll wake up after 45 minutes and cry until she takes me out and has to hike all the way back up the hill carrying me and pushing the stroller. I’m just trying to give her the exercise she says she needs!
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Pick me up or else I'll scream so hard they'll call social services on you!
3:30pm: Guess what? Yep, time to eat again. Why’s Mom crying? Oh, Oprah’s on. Oprah gets her every time.
4:30pm: Mom’s time to shower. Go ahead, Mom, I’ll sit quietly outside the shower buckled into my chair happily munching on my toothbrush or my book for two minutes. Time’s up, are you done? I think you should be done by now. Hurry up! YOU SHOULD BE DONE BY NOW! WAAAAAAA!!! COME AND PLAY WITH ME NOW! NO, TALKING TO ME THROUGH THE GLASS IS NOT THE SAME THING! SINGING DOESN’T COUNT EITHER!!!! I WANT TO BE IN THE SAME ROOM WITH YOU! NOW!!!! Oh, there you are, that was quick! Are you sure you’re clean? There’s still shampoo on your head, you know. Why do you look so frazzled? Where’s that toothbrush? La la da da da da da da.
5:30pm: Dinner! Um, squash, peas and more cereal. There seems to be a pattern here. Could we expand the food selection soon, Mom?
6:00pm: Bathtime? Cool! Where’s my light up duckie? Where’s my crab? I just love sucking on the washcloth and Mom likes it too because I wash my own face at the same time, see what a helper I am? Can I have the cup? I need both hands to hold my crab, quit washing me, can’t you see I’m playing, crazy woman?!
6:30pm: Daddy’s home! Yay, Daddy! Belly laughs all around.
7:00pm: Books, books, books! I don’t know what the story is, but these sure taste good.
7:30pm: Ummmm. Let me at that boob. So relaxing. What a busy day I’ve had. Nighty night, rabbit.
11:30pm: Time for a midnight snack. You weren't in bed yet, were you Mommy? I thought not.
2:00am: Aaaahhhhhhhhhh! Someone come and put my binky back in my mouth! Oh, thanks! Nighty night, again!.
3:00am: Hello? Is it time to get up? Yaaa yaa yaa! Oh, bouncy game, guess not.
3:30am: Where's that binky? Mom! Binky! Yaaaaaa!
And there you have it. See? I'm a busy little guy. And that's just on a regular day. We also sometimes go to Mommy and Me or run errands or go see friends or do lots of other things. Just wait 'til I start to crawl, then the fun will really begin! One thing's clear, I love being the center of attention. Makes me feel like a star!