Monday, April 07, 2008

Baby Elliott's Visit and Chaotic Clifford

Stick with me, kid. I'll show you the ropes.
At last! A cousin who isn't 20 years older than me! Baby Elliott came down from Northern California to visit us over Easter weekend and we had such a great time (plus, it got me to get my rear in gear and get out all the baby gear!) Tyler was pretty stoked to have Aunt Kristin and Uncle Matthew to play with, and he did think that baby Elliott was pretty interesting, too. He was very empathetic and concerned when Elliott was crying, now let's see if he'll duplicate that with his own baby brother!

So precious! This baby is loved, loved, loved!!!
This child is spoiled, spoiled, spoiled! Being the first born has it's perks, like having no competition for the 50 hidden eggs!
Tyler celebrates his booty with Uncle Matt. He was so jacked up on sugar by this time I'm surprised we even go him to sit down! Nothing like starting the day with a well-balanced meal of jelly beans and PEZ.

And finally, here's a little movie from the Discovery Center where they have a Clifford exhibit going on. We've been there once before and it was chaos and I was thinking that since this week is our spring break, maybe it wouldn't be so bad. Wrong!! There were field trip groups all over the place and big kids (we're talking BIG, not just older but third graders weighing in at 100 lbs!). But, Tyler had a ball regardless and really held his own with the older crowd which is good to see because he's been rather timid up until recently. Not that I ever want to see a child get pushed down, but when he's being aggressive with my child or not sharing and I see Tyler pushing back the mama bear inside me just says, "yes!" Here he is in Samuel's cafe (from the Clifford show). He would go to the counter and take everyone's order, make them their food and take their money, all while functioning with some 4th grade alpha females. Go Tyto!

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