Haute vs. Hot!
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Oh well, at least he looks cute while he's not even trying to get the ball in the hoop. We've discovered that he already has a thing for the pretty ladies, too. Usually it's the little girls that flock to him on the playground, but after a bath in the evening like clockwork he goes over to the bookcase and pulls out Karen Duffy's book that has her photo plastered all over the front cover. He just stares at it for minutes on end (an eternity for him), before he chucks it and all the other books all over the floor. He's also taken to making a nest (Tyler says, "a nest!" about 40 times) out of pillows that he can sit in and we can read some books before getting dressed. Here he is in his "nest" with his lovely book trying to crack open a walnut.
We recently got back from visiting Nana and Papa in Colorado where it was not so haute, but instead very hot, hot, hot! Temperatures were reaching the upper 90's some days and we're just not used to that! Nana and Papa made it fun for us by doing all sorts of things to keep us cool including.....
wearing big brimmed hats...
visiting the creek very early in the morning to throw rocks, leaves, sticks and whatever else we could get our grubby little fingers on into the water...
making all sorts of different kinds of iced tea (and grabbing "ish coobs" out of the freezer for the doogies as often as possible...
taking wheelbarrow rides in the shade from Uncle Matthew
and going on lots of bicycle rides! Leaving our helmet on inside may not have kept us cool, but we sure did look cool. Oh yeah.
We had a very big event happen while we were in Colorado as well - The First Official Haircut! No more of those bad trims from Mama, nosiree. Tyler went to the salon, got to pick his own apron (leopard or zebra? Leopard, of course! Duh!) and then stood on the swively chair as straight as an arrow for a good 15 minutes while Joanne coifed him beautifully.
This is serious business.
There goes my surfer cred, snip, snip! I think I need my binky to deal.
Where'd the ragamuffin go? Lookin' ready for the boardroom! Might want to lose the apron, though.
On our way home, Tyler got to have his very first Happy Meal in the airport. Here he is in heaven, watching the planes while sucking on french fries. Now we're back in California and can revert to our casual lifestyle...aaaahhhhh.
This picture makes no sense in my current post, but I liked it and wanted to include it. Tyler loves to take his wheelbarrow up and around the house. We've got lots of skinned knees because the wheels don't know how to adapt to the navigational skills of a small person. Damned wheelbarrow!