Mama said we were going on a field trip, so I hopped in my car. Let's go! I'm ready!

Not so fast, Munchkin, she said. First you need some clothes. So, I got Daddy and the suitcases and proceeded to climb on in. We can go in our pajamas and maybe we won't even need a car, we can...

ride in the suitcase! What a great way to get around town! Ah, but Mama said no (again - she's lame!) and she dressed me and we got in the car and went to....

the observatory! What a cool building! It was just remodeled and has some awesome views of all of L.A.! It wasn't even all that smoggy so we could actually see some stuff!

Here we are posing in front of the Hollywood sign on the roof of the observatory...

and here I am standing in front of a model of Venus. I loved playing with all the games and astronomy gadgets they had set up. We watch Baby Galileo all the time, so I'm sort of a budding astro-physicist already.

For example, here I am studying the optics of Mama's camera. They use optics quite a lot in astrophysics, so I'm told. Thus, it is very important to take a good look at the lens of every camera and grab every lens cap I can get my hands on. This is what I was doing at the beach the day after going to the observatory. No need to force me to study, no way!

Except when I get bored 2 seconds later and I need to walk up the beach, or....

try and push my ride in the sand. Anything to help Daddy out!

At the end of a long weekend, I like to get in my jammies, round up the gang and play a little cards. ABC is my game, some dudes like animals or numbers, but the real money is in knowing your ABC's. Trust me.