The Next Chapter

Summertime's almost here and the living's easy! Aside from going to the beach and running in and out of the waves (being rescued a LOT by mama before a waves crashes on my head), I've been getting out and about. And, when I'm with my posse just chillin' at home, I'm about as relaxed as a fella can get. Check out what I've been up to lately!
Taxi cab confessions on the Santa Monica Pier. I confess, I ate too much cotton candy!
We are in such a sweet spot with Tyler right now. He is just a bundle of unbridled energy and, for the most part, joy. He cracks us up in the morning by singing (we hear it on the monitor) or talking to himself. He's been known to belt out "Peter Cottontail" at the top of his lungs, or to recite certain phrases and scenarios from his favorite tv shows, like Clifford. We woke up one morning to him talking about "painting his masterpiece" which made me giggle all morning.
The Hermosa MOMS Club (which I am co-president of) was walking in the Hermosa Beach St. Patrick's Parade and I wasn't sure if we were going to have time to participate. We had a make-up MyGym class that morning, then I took T over to Rocketship Park to play for a while and I needed to do an open house that afternoon. Getting us ready and to the parade in time was going to be a chore. But, considering his heritage, I had to do it. We rushed away from the park, I took a sprint of a shower, we slapped a shamrock onto Tyler's buggy and raced down the hill. Our group was number 37 and when we got to the front of the parade, they were at number 54 so we zigged and zagged through the parade as best as a toddler and his very pregnant mother could until I decided this was crazy and then we just stopped and watched (Tyler thought he was in the parade for that first part). But, the stoppinig was the best because everyone kept coming up to our little Irish lad and giving him chocolate gold coins, lollipops, cotton candy and all sorts of other sweets. HE LOVED IT! We had to play "parade" for several days afterwards where I have to pretend to give him sweets and he just sits there and waves - not a bad gig if you can get it. Oh, and we've taught him to say, "I'm an Irish lad" and tried to teach him to do an Irish jig, but he's kind of got a dance style that's more mosh-pit than Lord of the dance.
When not moshing to Mickey Mouse, he will on occasion don his king outfit and pretend to save people. However, this rapidly turns to him being a firefighter and the cape and hat are quickly discarded.
This front photo of our naked chef was the only one I wanted to put online without attracting the child pornographers. It's quite the cute outfit, especially since it gets so hot in his kitchen! Tyto becomes a chef at least 3 times a day and his specialty is usually soup (robber soup, broccolli soup, you name it, he'll make it). Quite often we play waiter (Jimmy from the Ocean Diner) and the chefs and he'll take my order and then serve all our little guys as they eat al fresco on top of the firehouse until a huge tornado or some other (manmade) disaster ravashes the place and knocks everyone to the floor. After which, of course, he becomes a firefighter, then a doctor, then an ambulance driver and finally a grocery store cashier (not quite sure where that one fits in).
At the end of a busy day of pretending, what's better than a spoon full of whipped cream? This is when he usually goes back into the Tyto character and I get to be Mommy again. Sometimes he pretends to cry and I have to give him kisses and sweets to make him feel better. Usually the sweets are pretend, but on occasion, it's fun to hand out the real deal.
Big Valentine smiles with a few remnants of sprinkles and face paint left.
The next week school was cancelled for "Ski Week" so we've been doing some fun stuff around town. I took him to the Clifford exhibit at the Science and Discovery Center (he calls it the "Recovery Center" and I think to myself, oh, not yet, honey) where he was able to play with Clifford, Cleo, T-Bone and do all sorts of things like sort mail, drive boats and cars, fill Clifford's dog dish with bones, etc. We've also been to the mall, the beach, Choo Choo train park, My Gym and hosted a pizza party playdate at our house. I'm dreading next Tuesday when we go back to school without a special holiday, but it's got to be done. He's waking up from his nap now so I've got to run. He wakes up singing a different song every time these days. I think I hear "Zippidy Doo Dah" right now - hilarioius!
Snowsuit - $90
Can't we just ride it in the lodge?
Our next activity was taking him out on the ice rink in a nice blizzard. Normally I picture keystone ice skating as filled with people all buzzing by happily on the lake. When I looked out towards the middle Christmas tree, I could barely make out the other two figures on the ice as they were bracing themselves against the wind. But, we came to this place to experience winter and goddammit we're going to experience winter! So, into the sled he went. Onto our snowboots went little tread things. Out onto the ice we all trudged. We slung him around for all of 10 minutes before admitting we were soft Californians no longer interested in roughing it and all those movies like "Eight Below" or "Survivorman" that make the snow and the cold look fun and romantic are just a bunch of crap. Back into the lodge we came, defeated by the elements.
I think we've gotten the notion that a family snow vacation just isn't for us right now. We honestly felt like the penguins in "Madagascar" who finally arrive in Antarctica and plainly state, "well this sucks!" Perhaps it was because the weather was so drastically cold, snowy and windy. Perhaps we truly are soft, pathetic Californians. Perhaps we should return to the mountains in the summer and try some summer sports when mama isn't pregnant and can't breathe. Perhaps. In the meantime, we were happy to get back to the beach and the 75 degree weather where we could go barefoot and make sledding hills for our "guys" out of the sand!
Lookout Pilot Paula! Tyto is flying your helicopter!
Do the daddy drench dance! (Nice, and without a change of clothes).
Perplexed by the Lego "guys" everywhere, we had to take full stock of them.
The Safari Ride! We saw elephants, lions, pandas, monkeys and alligators - all made of Legos! But the coolest part is that Tyto got to drive!
Tyler sings me the Happy Birthday Song, and doesn't notice the big crater in the middle of the cake (it still tasted awesome!). Happy Birthday to you! I know where there's a zoo! It's a place called Lego Land. You can take me there, too!
Aloha, all you freezing mid-westerners!
Meanwhile, back at home, we've been enjoying some beautiful weather. While the rest of the country is freezing, we've been going to the beach and making castles. You honestly cannot beat L.A. for the weather!
Last fall, Tyler was obsessed with these four little "ambulance guys." They were about 2 inches tall, very inconspicuous, didn't move, didn't make noise and could get lost at the drop of a hat. I went crazy trying to keep track of them. We still have two, the other two are buried somewhere under a couch cushion or a pile of sand. He's no longer solely obsessed with the ambulance guys, but has expanded his friends to include astronauts, mice, Little People and a Sigmund Freud action figure. One day he decided he wanted them to pose for "Picture Day," and this is what we got. Afterwards, I had him pose as well.